如果不需要我就不会问了 麻烦您看一下
- 07-14 18:08:59.642 26233-26233/? I/Process: Sending signal. PID: 26233 SIG: 9
- 07-14 18:08:59.689 511-628/? D/HispManager: onRequestAck: (#0) frame num:710 out:0x1ab40000 status:0 raw valid:1 sec:1531562939 usec:676156
- 07-14 18:08:59.689 511-628/? D/HispFilter: onBufferDequeued : (#0) (2) buffPack in ISP.
- 07-14 18:08:59.694 511-19377/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a68000]. typ=PORT_FE_RAW
- 07-14 18:08:59.695 511-19379/? D/ImagingSystem: CHISPProcessor: (#0) frame num: 713 in:0x0 out:0x1ba00000
- 07-14 18:08:59.695 511-19369/? W/IppFrameImpl: [HWA_CAM3]getDepthAddr, have no depth buf
- 07-14 18:08:59.695 511-19368/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a65600]. typ=PORT_YUV_Main
- 07-14 18:08:59.695 511-19370/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a65c00]. typ=PORT_YUV_TINY
- 07-14 18:08:59.695 511-19372/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a67400]. typ=PORT_META
- 07-14 18:08:59.696 511-19356/? D/Misc____: [db86839_64D] snip save config off
- 07-14 18:08:59.696 511-19369/? D/contrastCal: ae_gain:17920, ae_iso:3500, frame_rate:16, frameWidth:960, frameHeight:720
- 07-14 18:08:59.696 511-19369/? I/contrastCal: [smartAf]contrast_cal_process: giNumFlagDoAF = 711, focus_stage = 0
- 07-14 18:08:59.696 511-19369/? E/HwaStatInfo: [db86839_64E] getDualDepthImage() Depth Image is NULL
- 07-14 18:08:59.696 511-19369/? I/LaserSelfCali: laserSelfCali,mFrameNum3:710,fr:16,iso:3500,exp:60000,RangeMilliMeter:12,RangeStatus:0,SignalRate:1364480,spad:4356,Ambient:512,Xtalk:56,Timeout:34,signal:9,sigma:60,RIT:84,mIsInfinity:0,mDirtyXtalk:0,mIsDirty:0
- 07-14 18:08:59.715 614-19437/? W/AudioFlinger: RecordThread: buffer overflow
- 07-14 18:08:59.725 26247-26247/? D/Zygote: CtrlSocket libc.so ctrl_sockets_set_addr pfunc is not exist!
- 07-14 18:08:59.727 26247-26247/? I/art: Reinit property: dalvik.vm.checkjni= false
- 07-14 18:08:59.733 26247-26247/? D/ActivityThread: ActivityThread,attachApplication
- 07-14 18:08:59.736 26218-26218/? A/DEBUG: *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
- Build fingerprint: 'HUAWEI/MHA-AL00/HWMHA:7.0/HUAWEIMHA-AL00/C700B138:user/release-keys'
- Revision: '0'
- ABI: 'arm'
- pid: 18761, tid: 19431, name: shikeji.facecar >>> com.tushikeji.facecar <<<
- signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
- r0 00000001 r1 a218c820 r2 a218c7c4 r3 a2865570
- r4 f0390008 r5 00000000 r6 ff9b89bc r7 000000c8
- r8 0000000a r9 ac678180 sl ae2845a1 fp 00000002
- ip a218c2ec sp a218c7b8 lr a23c9ebf pc 00000000 cpsr 20070010
- 07-14 18:08:59.739 489-2014/? I/gralloc: alloc_device_alloc:564: Alloc handle(0x7e66e48300): interfmt=1, stride=64, size=4096, usage=0x100
- 07-14 18:08:59.739 26218-26218/? A/DEBUG: backtrace:
- #00 pc 00000000 <unknown>
- #01 pc 0003eebd /data/app/com.tushikeji.facecar-1/lib/arm/libbvpu_mediandk.so (_ZN3SIP11responseCmdEPN9TelEngine7MessageE+288)
- #02 pc 00040303 /data/app/com.tushikeji.facecar-1/lib/arm/libbvpu_mediandk.so (_ZN3SIP15handleThreadMsgEi+214)
- #03 pc 000403c9 /data/app/com.tushikeji.facecar-1/lib/arm/libbvpu_mediandk.so (_ZN3SIP3runEv+72)
- #04 pc 000045b5 /data/app/com.tushikeji.facecar-1/lib/arm/libframework.so (_ZN12SimpleThread5__runEPv+20)
- #05 pc 00047503 /system/lib/libc.so (_ZL15__pthread_startPv+22)
- 07-14 18:08:59.740 26218-26218/? A/DEBUG: #06 pc 00019ecd /system/lib/libc.so (__start_thread+6)
- 07-14 18:08:59.747 489-1269/? I/gralloc: alloc_device_free:586: Free handle(0x7e66e48300)
- 07-14 18:08:59.749 511-628/? D/HispManager: onRequestAck: (#0) frame num:711 out:0x1ad00000 status:0 raw valid:1 sec:1531562939 usec:736388
- 07-14 18:08:59.749 511-628/? D/HispFilter: onBufferDequeued : (#0) (2) buffPack in ISP.
- 07-14 18:08:59.751 511-19369/? W/IppFrameImpl: [HWA_CAM3]getDepthAddr, have no depth buf
- 07-14 18:08:59.752 26247-26247/? W/art: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exits.
- 07-14 18:08:59.752 511-19369/? I/SmartAE: SmartAE_HISI,mFrameCnt:712,mStableFrameBegin:7,cameraID:0,isSaliencyOrChOver:0,SAE_EVComp:0,mSetEVComp:0,T:16,ISO:3500,isAEStable:1,aeLock:0,mIsSetEVComp:1,mYTotalMean:12,isDiffYMean:0,mStable:1,mImageStable:1,msnapShotMode:1,faceNum:0,mTouched:0,faceTouchEVComp:0,isDualHDR:0,isHDR:0,HDRReserveData:0,HDRFrameNum:0,HDREV:0 0 0 0,NL_EVComLevel:0,mCurrentScene:30
- 07-14 18:08:59.753 511-19369/? D/contrastCal: ae_gain:17920, ae_iso:3500, frame_rate:16, frameWidth:960, frameHeight:720
- 07-14 18:08:59.753 511-19369/? I/contrastCal: [smartAf]contrast_cal_process: giNumFlagDoAF = 712, focus_stage = 0
- 07-14 18:08:59.753 511-19369/? E/HwaStatInfo: [db86839_64E] getDualDepthImage() Depth Image is NULL
- 07-14 18:08:59.753 511-19356/? D/Misc____: [db86839_64D] snip save config off
- 07-14 18:08:59.754 511-19377/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a68000]. typ=PORT_FE_RAW
- 07-14 18:08:59.754 511-19379/? D/ImagingSystem: CHISPProcessor: (#0) frame num: 714 in:0x0 out:0x1a8c0000
- 07-14 18:08:59.755 511-19368/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a65600]. typ=PORT_YUV_Main
- 07-14 18:08:59.755 511-19370/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a65c00]. typ=PORT_YUV_TINY
- 07-14 18:08:59.755 511-19372/? D/HispPort: onRequest: (#0) instance[0x7bd2a67400]. typ=PORT_META
- 07-14 18:08:59.758 511-19358/? I/AntiBanding: onSubAlgoProcess(), cur_type;0, con_cnt:1, suc_cnt:0, det_rlt:0, band_num[3,0], yuv_info:[960, 720],[rw,rh,lt]=[3968,2976,9.944569]
- 07-14 18:08:59.763 26247-26247/? D/AndroidRuntime: Shutting down VM
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