We are just getting started on integrating this into our web application and studying the code on the server.
Since Microsoft is switching to the Chrome Engine there will no long be support for OCX in the browser.
Our customers use Firefox, Chrome and other browsers. I have been looking at the code in the sample
code (html/webclient) and all the code refers to the OCX to login and access camera video.
I need reference to a pure js sample to init the connection, login and access the PU list and camera video without the OCX.
Is there a URL for this or a sample app I can look at other than the code in the html/WebClient folder?
Also, in a non-OCX version does the video stream use Flash or can it use a component such as Video.js to
render the video stream? I have seen references to both and I am not sure which one should be used.
I try to open the code at file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/LiveView/Server/webAPI_nginx/html/Custom/WebClient/Login.html#!/
in chrome or firefox and it will not open, just a blank page, but does open in IE with the OCX. As mentioned we need a non-OCX code for reference.
Our application (web) is on another server than the SMS server so all IP referecnes are to the SMS server which is not
Both servers are on the same network. Internally the IP for the SMS is and the web app is on another server but should be able to access the SMS connection.
Thank you for your help.