We noticed a problem with the SmartEye Web API. When the BC310 Camera is low on battery power it starts to send SOS Button press alert every 3 mins which creates alot of problems for our customers.
The low battery event sends out the same "notify_event_source" message via Web API every 3 mins, this is the same message sent out when user press SOS button. When Low Battery event triggers SOS event by sending "notify_event_source" message via Web API we cannot distingush if the message is for Low Battery or SOS event.
Is there a way to distiguish Low Battery event from SOS button press event? Is there a separate message that is sent via Web API to indicate Low Battery event?
ok,we're checking.
in fact, there is new update for WEB SDK.
pls check that github code.
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All the event_source will sending a 'notify_event_source' message, we use another variable in the message content to sign the alert type. you can find a map in the online doc.