dear sir, do you have WZ128 at hand? I remember you have BC310+VM780.
below is for WZ128,
Acess to hardware parts in WZ128 body camera
video record
DOWN: android.intent.action.ACTION_VIDEO_DOWN
UP: android.intent.action.ACTION_VIDEO_UP
longpress: android.intent.action.ACTION_VIDEO_LONG_PRESS
audio rec
DOWN: android.intent.action.ACTION_RECORD_DOWN
UP: android.intent.action.ACTION_RECORD_UP
longpress: android.intent.action.ACTION_RECORD_LONG_PRESS
DOWN: android.intent.action.ACTION_CAMERA_DOWN
UP: android.intent.action.ACTION_CAMERA_UP
longpress: android.intent.action.ACTION_CAMERA_LONG_PRESS
DOWN: android.intent.action.ACTION_SOS_DOWN
UP: android.intent.action.ACTION_SOS_UP
longpress: android.intent.action.ACTION_SOS_LONG_PRESS
DOWN: android.intent.action.ACTION_PTTKEY_DOWN
UP: android.intent.action.ACTION_PTTKEY_UP
longpress: android.intent.action.ACTION_PTT_LONG_PRESS
Write to below dev node,
red on the right
green on the right
red on the right blinks
refer to below ref code,
device ID
private String getMacAddress() {
try {
WifiManager wifi = (WifiManager) context
WifiInfo info = wifi.getConnectionInfo();
return info.getMacAddress().replace(":", "");
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("MPUDefaultDevice", "getMacAddress--->" + e.getMessage());
return null;
private String getImeiInfo() {
TelephonyManager telephonyMgr = (TelephonyManager) context
return telephonyMgr.getDeviceId();
/*get devID*/
public String getStringDefaultDevice() {
String stringDevice = null;
try {
// stringDevice = getImeiInfo().subSequence(
// getImeiInfo().length() - 7, getImeiInfo().length())
// .toString();
stringDevice = getImeiInfo().subSequence(
getImeiInfo().length() - 7, getImeiInfo().length())
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("MPUDefaultDevice", "e--->" + e.getMessage());
try {
if (stringDevice == null) {
stringDevice = getMacAddress().subSequence(
getMacAddress().length() - 7, getMacAddress().length())
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.e("MPUDefaultDevice", "e--->" + e.getMessage());
if (stringDevice == null || stringDevice.equals("0000000")) {
stringDevice = "aff8866";
return "2" + stringDevice;
may reach me by wechat for .doc file.