mobile CCTV,mobile surveillance,police body worn cameras

标题: Command PU FOR RESET [打印本页]

author: robper    time: 2016-11-17 00:12
标题: Command PU FOR RESET
i use the sdk tool....

Can I send the reset to PU whit command?

I see library BVCU_SendCommand but not find the Command....


author: Mitarai    time: 2016-11-17 09:21
Hi, you can find it in BVCUConst.h: BVCU_SUBMETHOD_PU_REBOOT = 0x20000.
author: fanghj90    time: 2016-11-17 09:28
BVCU.h:   BVCU_SendCmd()
BVCU.h:   typedef struct _BVCU_Command BVCU_Command;

author: fanghj90    time: 2016-11-17 09:49
BVCU_Command cmd;
memset(&cmd, 0x00, sizeof(cmd));
cmd.iSize = sizeof(cmd);
cmd.OnEvent = OnCmdEvent;  // Cmd response callback
cmd.iMethod = BVCU_METHOD_CONTROL;  // control command
cmd.iSubMethod = BVCU_SUBMETHOD_PU_REBOOT;  // Reboot PU command
strncpy_s(cmd.szTargetID,  sPUID, _TRUNCATE); // Reboot which pu -> sPUID like "PU_2641"
BVCU_Result bvResult = BVCU_SendCmd(m_session, &cmd);  // m_session from BVCU_Login().
// check bvResult, if Send failed.
author: robper    time: 2016-11-17 16:18
Thanks a lot , I've founded it yesterday but how can I recall or search this by mainform?
author: besovideo    time: 2016-11-17 16:38
pls refer to above sample code
author: robper    time: 2016-11-17 18:53
ManagedLayer in WinForm is not method for invoke the controlCMD In CBVCU...
author: robper    time: 2016-11-17 20:23
How can I invoke the the method "bvcu_command cmd" by winform? Thanks
author: besovideo    time: 2016-11-18 13:33
hi, confirmed with R&D, those cmd are all supported, but not all of them released into this winform_demo/mfc_demo, if you want , we may update one for you.

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